Generazioni Underground: Morenas - Cuando Brilla La Luna (Mr. Marvin Tribal Mix) (1992)

the ‘generazioni underground’ compilation is coming out today, we celebrate sharing with you this brief recollection by Mr. Marvin

‘Ciao Italia, Generazioni Underground’ Album Cover

This is the fourth feature of a series of recollection articles, in sight of the release of a huge project: ‘Ciao Italia, Generazioni Underground’ is a special compilation in double vinyl being released today, June 12th 2021, on Rebirth Records. It includes a series of tracks produced in Italy in the early 90s. It’s a tribute to artists who wrote the history of an electronic music style which can be identified as Dream House, Italo House, Piano House, or simply ‘Underground’. You can read more about it in our first feature.

To celebrate the release day, we share with you this brief memories by Mr. Marvin, who worked on the remix of ‘Cuando Brilla La Luna’ by Morenas, a tribal and percussive rework of the original classic. Thanks to the head of Rebirth, Shield, we were able to get in touch with Mr. Marvin who now resides in Arizona, USA.

Scorrere in basso per la versione in Italiano.

“The moment when ‘Cuando Brilla La Luna’ was created was probably at the apex of the underground house scene as far as I’m concerned… Personally I was never tied to any sound in particular, and I was always open to new combination, new colours, new tones.. And of course new collaborations, a primary factor to achieve an innovative work of art.

‘Cuando Brilla La Luna’ was a project for the label DFC. And ‘Cuando Brilla La Luna’ is a work of art, simply a moment where two artists meet and open a dialogue that is purely creative, without requests or guides that are tied to the discography business. I don’t really remember who to credit for the vocal part, but I remember Ricky Persi and Davide Rizzati were working on the project and inviting many great colleagues of the scene at the time to give their contribution with their own version, and I was one of them.

The remix was done in the studio of Davide Rizzati in Trieste. It was me and Davide in the studio, I gave him indications on the directions I wanted to take by making him listen to records from the bag of vinyls I had in that moment. He proposed me sequences with a never-seen technical mastery. His music knowledge and control of the software were just from another planet.

Davide greatly appreciated my ideas and proposed marvellous stuff in response. We didn’t take long before finding the right sonorities and sequences. In the end it was a couple days of work. One in the studio with me and then he finalised the master the next day, if my memories are not mistaken. The record was immediately well received and loved on the dancefloors.”


Versione in Italiano:

“Il momento in cui ‘Cuando Brilla La Luna’ è stato creato è probabilmente l’apice della scena house underground per quanto mi riguarda… Personalmente non sono mai stato legato ad un sound particolare, e sono sempre stato aperto a nuove combinazioni, nuovi colori, nuovi toni… E ovviamente nuove collaborazioni, un fattore primario per creare un’opera d’arte innovativa.

‘Cuando Brilla La Luna’ era un progetto per la label DFC. E ‘Cuando Brilla La Luna’ è un’opera d’arte, semplicemente un momento dove due artisti si sono incontrati e hanno aperto un dialogo che è puramente creativo, senza richieste o guide legate al business discografico. Non mi ricordo esattamente a chi dare credito per la parte vocale, ma mi ricordi che Ricky Persi e Davide Rizzate stavano lavorando al progetto e nel frattempo invitando molti colleghi della scena del momento per dare il contributo con la loro versione, e io ero uno di questi.

Il remix è stato fatto nello studio di Davide Rizzati a Trieste. Eravamo io e Davide in studio, io gli davo indicazioni sulla direzione che volevo prendere facendogli ascoltare i dischi dalla mia borsa dei vinili del momento. Lui mi proponeva sequenze con una tecnica ad un livello mai visto. La sua conoscenza musicale e controllo del software erano semplicemente ad un altro livello.

Davide apprezzava le mie idee e mi proponeva meraviglie in risposta. Non ci abbiamo messo molto prima di trovare le giuste sonorità e sequenze. Alla fine sono stati un paio di giorni di lavoro. Uno nello studio con me e poi lui ha finalizzato il master il giorno dopo, se la memoria non mi inganna. Il pubblico ballante ha apprezzato molto il disco fin da subito.”

All the tracks of these feature series will be included in the ‘Ciao Italia, Generazioni Underground’ compilation

‘Ciao Italia, Generazioni Underground’ is out now. Head over to Rebirth’s channels to buy the release:

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Generazioni Underground: Alex Neri - The Wizard (Club Mix) (1992)


Generazioni Underground: MBG - Ore: Novenove (Open Rmx) (1992)